Tranquility – 2018
Find a moment of tranquility amidst the hustle & bustle of the New Year. Sip on some calming chamomile tea, while indulging into the delicate puff rice cakes, red-dotted Chinese almond cookies, Celebration sprinkles cookies, chocolate toffee macadamia nuts, mochi crunch, Fresh POPPED popcorn smothered with Carmel topping, packed with fresh almonds, cashews and peanuts, drizzled with real pure dark chocolate. taro chips, coconut lavosh, roasted almonds, chocolate arare, and last but not least, a bottle of PURE water hidden in a golden/red cylinder.
*Shipping options available for zip codes outside of Washington state and certain Washington zip codes not covered in the local delivery category. Please call in your order for correct shipping costs. (425) 387-4421
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